The Use of HSM300 Sync Module And HLS300 Power Share Module

HSM300 Synchronous Module is special design for genset automatic parallel. On the basis of theparameters, the module automatically tests the conditions of paralleling ( pressure difference, frequency difference and phase ) and sends parallel signal when the conditions meet parallel requirements. HSM300 Synchronous Module is used for the occasions that gens synchronize to bus. Themodule is brief to operate, easy to install and widely used for ship genset andland genset parallel.

HLS300 Power Share Module is special designfor genset power share. The main function of HLS300 module is to share activeload to each operating genset according to genset capacitance. On the basis ofthe parameters, the module automatically shares power in genset running process.

When detected pressure difference, frequency difference and phase difference are within pre-set value, HSM300 will send synchronize signal to closegens switch. When detected genset switch close signal is active, HLS300 module will share active load to each operating genset according to genset capacitance.


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